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Rheumatologic Conditions affecting the Hip

  1. See Also
  2. Hip Pain
  3. Hip Exam

Normal Hip Range of Motion

  • Hip flexion: 110 to 120 degrees
  • Hip extension: 10 to 15 degrees
  • Hip abduction: 30 to 50 degrees
  • Hip adduction: 30 degrees
  • Hip lateral rotation: 40 to 60 degrees
  • Hip medial rotation: 30 to 40 degrees

    1. Hip Anatomy
  1. Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis
    1. Unilateral or bilateral hip involvement
    2. Groin Pain with ambulation
    3. Pain reproduced on range of motion
    4. Decreased hip range of motion
  2. Avascular necrosis
    1. Unilateral hip involvement
    2. Predisposing factors
      1. Alcohol Abuse
      2. Corticosteroid use
      3. Comorbid connective tissue disease
    3. Hip MRI may be required for diagnosis
  3. Other common hip conditions
    1. Trochanteric Bursitis
      1. Upper lateral Hip Pain without Groin Pain
      2. Radiation to knee may occur
      3. Worse with direct pressure (rolling onto side in bed)
    2. Iliopectineal Bursitis
      1. Pain below inguinal ligament and lateral to vessel

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